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  2. Mao- Chin Hung*. Initial activity-related long-term outcome of iodine-131 treatment for thyroidectomy patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma. Hellenic Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 23(3):246-250, 2020. (SCI; Category: Radiology; Impact factor: 0.943; Ranking: 117/129)
  3. Mao-Chin Hung*, Yu-Yi Huang. Three nuclear medicine diagnostic procedures and breast cancer mortality in women. A population-analysis in Taiwan based upon National Health Insurance database. Hellenic Journal of Nuclear Medicine 2019; 22: 121-124. (SCI; Category: Radiology; Impact factor: 0.943; Ranking: 117/129)
  4. Hui-Ting Huang, Chung-Hung Tsai*, Mao-Chin Hung, Chin-Hui Wu. The study of the influencing factors of performance of occupational safety and health: The empirical study of a hospital in Taiwan. Health Promotion Research and Practice 2019; 2: 36-53.
  5. Mao-Chin Hung*, Yi-Cheng Tsai, Chih-Hao Kao, Yen-Ting Chi. The utilization of nuclear medicine for patients with neurodegenerative diseases in Taiwan. Annals of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 2018; 31: 67-74.
  6. Mao-Chin Hung*, Yu-Yi Huang, Cheng-Yi Cheng, Li-Fan Lin, Cheng-Han Yang. Nuclear medicine practice with National Health Insurance in Taiwan, 2000 ~ 2013. Annals of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 2017; 30: 62-71.
  7. Chun-Chih Lin, Shang-Chien Lin, Mao-Chin Hung, Chien-Yi Ting, Wei-Chung Liu*. Inhibition effect of resveratrol combined with radiation treatment on osteoclastogenesis. Taiwanese Journal of Applied Radiation and Isotopes 2017; 13(3): 1503-1510.
  8. Yu-Yi Huang*, Mao-Chin Hung, Li-Fan Lin, Cheng-Yi Cheng. The utilization of nuclear medicine studies and the dilemma in Taiwan: A brief report. Annals of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 2016; 29: 166-178.
  9. Mao-Chin Hung*, Jeng-Jong Hwang. Trends in the utilization of nuclear medicine and radiopharmaceuticals in an aging population. Nuklearmedizin 2016; 55(4): 139-144. (SCI; Category: Radiology; Impact factor:1.352; Ranking: 97/129)
  10. C-Y Lin, T-W Chang, W-H Hsieh, M-C Hung, I-H Lin, S-C Lai and Y-J Tzeng*. Simultaneous induction of apoptosis and necroptosis by Tanshinone IIA in human hepatocellular carcinoma HepG2 cells. Cell Death Discov 2016; 2: 16065. (SCI; Category: Cell Biology; Impact factor:4.114; Ranking: 76/195)
  11. Chang-Shu Tsai*, Jui-Feng Fan, Mao-Chin Hung, Yih-Fang Chen, Chie-Nan Huang. Assessments of the quality of radiographic imaging in computed radiography image. Journal of Tzu Chi University of Technology 2016; 2: 23-34.
  12. Chun-Chih Lin, Nien-Tzu Keng, Mao-Chin Hung, Cheng-Lung Lee, Chien-Yi Ting, Wei-Chung Liu*. Silica can inhibit erythrogenesis caused by radiation. Taiwanese Journal of Applied Radiation and Isotopes 2015; 11(1): 1021-1028.
  13. Mao-Chin Hung*. The longitudinal trends in the utilization and population dose of medical radiological procedures in Taiwan. Journal of Tzu Chi College of Technology 2014; 22: 47-62.
  14. Chun-Chih Lin, Nien-Tzu Keng, Mao-Chin Hung, Cheng-lung Lee, Chien-Yi Ting, Wei-Chung Liu*. Radiation promotes the apoptosis of differentiated osteoblasts induced by silica. Taiwanese Journal of Applied Radiation and Isotopes 2014; 10(1): 761-768.
  15. Mao-Chin Hung*, Jeng-Jong Hwang, Shu-Sin Liu, Chih-Hao Kao. The longitudinal trend in the utilization of nuclear medicine for theranostics in Taiwan. Annals of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 2014; 27: 12-22.
  16. Mao-Chin Hung*, Jeng-Jong Hwang. Cancer risk from medical radiation procedures for coronary artery disease: A nationwide population-based cohort study. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2013; 14(5): 2783-2787.  (SCI; Category: Oncology; Impact factor:2.514; Ranking: 120/211)
  17. Mao-Chin Hung*Peter Wushou ChangWanhua Annie HsiehJeng-Jong Hwang. Myocardial perfusion scintigraphy in Taiwan from 2005 to 2009. Nuclear Medicine Communications 2012; 33: 733-738.  (SCI; Category: Radiology; Impact factor:1.379; Ranking: 74/120)
  18. Mao-Chin Hung*Wanhua Annie HsiehPeter Wushou ChangJeng-Jong Hwang. Utilization of nuclear medicine scintigraphy in Taiwan, 1997–2009. Annals of Nuclear Medicine 2011; 25: 818–824.  (SCI; Category: Radiology; Impact factor:1.502; Ranking: 68/116)
  19. Kwo-Ping Chang*, Zhi-Yuan Lin, Mao-Chin Hung, Bor-Tsung Hsieh. Effects of irradiation on chitosan-coated nanoparticles for hyperthermia. Advanced Materials Research 2011; Vols. 311-313: 419-431. (EI)
  20. Kwo-Ping Chang*, Chih-Yuan Lin, Mao-Chin Hung, Chang-Shu Tasi, Shan-Chih Lee, Bor-Tsung Hsieh. Optimization of ferrofluid by using Taguchi method and its application in hyperthermia. Journal of Tzu Chi College of Technology 2011; 17: 85-104.
  21. Kuo-Feng Tai*, Sih-Wei Tseng, Mao-Chin Hung, Fan-Chieh Meng, Wei-Chieh Sun, Chien-Hsing Wang. Inhibition of melanoma cell growth and pulmonary metastasis in an ex-vivo animal model using adenovirus armed short lairpin RNA targeting TGF-B1 encoding mRNA. Journal of Tzu Chi College of Technology 2011; 16: 375-396.
  22. Mao-Chin Hung*, Ming-Hsiung Liaw, Wen-Lin Hsu, Yeong-Chu Tsai. The growth characteristics and tolerance of radiation for Bifidobacterium longum. Journal of Tzu Chi College of Technology 2004; 6: 223-228.
  23. Wei-Chung Liu*, Nien-Tzu Keng, Mao-Chin Hung, Ming-Hsiang Hsieh. Study on microstructure of osteophyte. Journal of Tzu Chi College of Technology 2004; 6: 221-229.
  24. W. P. Chang*, J. S. Hwang, M. C. Hung, T. H. Hu, S. D. Lee, B. F. Hwang. Chronic low-dose γ-radiation exposure and the alteration of the distribution of lymphocyte subpopulations in residents of radioactive buildings. International Journal of Radiation Biology 1999; 75: 1231-1239.  (SCI; Category: Radiology; Impact factor:2.521; Ranking: 12/78)
  25. 洪茂欽*、梁雲、廖宗義、呂宗憲、吳嘉明:以等中心點相切照野技術治療乳癌患者時之對側乳房劑量評估及屏蔽效應。放射治療與腫瘤學,第五期第一卷,485-491頁,民國87年。


  1. 李學儒、周嘉豪、蕭仲凱、洪茂欽:量化電腦斷層影像之肺部體積和肺功能檢查的相關性探討。第15屆醫學影像暨放射科學國際研討會。花蓮,民國109年。
  2. Mao-Chin Hung, Peter Chang. Increased lead hazards to radiologists and radiographers in hospitals. The 75th Annual Meeting of the JSRT. Yokohama, Japan, 2019.
  3. 蔡易霖、洪茂欽 :台灣甲狀腺癌患者碘131治療之追蹤研究中華民國醫事放射學會第52次年會暨第26回東亞國際學術大會。台中,民國108年。
  4. 陳俊嘉、蔡易橙、洪茂欽 : 台灣老年人口核醫使用情形與趨勢分析。中華民國醫事放射學會第51次年會暨第25回東亞國際學術大會。嘉義,民國107年。
  5. 蔡易橙,、陳俊嘉、洪茂欽 : 台灣神經退化性疾病之醫療輻射使用分析。中華民國醫事放射學會第51次年會暨第25回東亞國際學術大會。嘉義,民國107年。
  6. 楊承頷 洪茂欽 : 台灣核醫診療健保使用分析。中華民國醫事放射學會第49次年會暨國際醫學影像學術研討會。台北,民國105年。
  7. 吳汶珊、蕭智丞、洪茂欽、李文禮:都普勒超音波血流流速與血壓相關性之研究。2011年第六屆國際醫學影像暨放射科學學術研討會。桃園,民國100年。 
  8. 耿念慈、洪茂欽、邱彥智、謝仲豪、邱麒逢、劉威忠:利用奈米金作為基因追蹤與癌症治療的研究。2010年第五屆國際醫學影像暨放射科學學術研討會。花蓮,民國99年。
  9. 王柏勝、洪茂欽、耿念慈、劉威忠:冬蟲夏草與輻射對乳癌誘發破骨細胞分化的影響。2010年第五屆國際醫學影像暨放射科學學術研討會。花蓮,民國99年。
  10. 洪茂欽、張武修、李世代:輻射污染暴露族群的免疫學研究。輻射污染鋼筋事件十週年紀念暨長期低劑量游離輻射對健康影響研討會。台北,民國91年。
  11. Mao-Chin Hung: Introduction to the department of radiological technology and biomedical engineering at the Osaka University . The symposium on educational program and curriculum development of medical radiation technology in Japan and R.O.C. Hualien, . 2000.
  12. Mao-Chin Hung, Wushou P. Chang, Shyh-Dye Lee, Bing-fan Hwang, , Jing-Shiang Hwang, Jung-Der Wang. Chronic low-dose g-radiation exposure alters the distribution of lymphocyte subpopulations in residents of radioactive buildings in Taiwan.1998 Symposium on Industrial Hygiene. Taichung , 1998.
  13. Wushou P. Chang, Mao-Chin Hung, Shyh-Dye Lee. T cell deficiency in residents with chronic low-dose g-irradiation from radioactive buildings in Taiwan. The 39th annual meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society. Osaka,1996.